Foydalanuvchi MediaWiki message delivery hissasi
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MediaWiki message delivery munozara chetlatishlar yuklamalar qaydlar global block log global hisoblar filtrlash qaydlari global contributions
120 ta tahrirga sohib foydalanuvchi. Hisob 2014-yil 19-mayda yaratilgan.
2025-yil 3-fevral
- 00:4900:49, 2025-yil 3-fevral farq tarix +1 189 Munozara:Bosh Sahifa →Reminder: first part of the annual UCoC review closes soon: yangi mavzu joriy Teg: MassMessage delivery
2025-yil 24-yanvar
- 01:1101:11, 2025-yil 24-yanvar farq tarix +1 517 Munozara:Bosh Sahifa →Universal Code of Conduct annual review: provide your comments on the UCoC and Enforcement Guidelines: yangi mavzu Teg: MassMessage delivery
2024-yil 21-noyabr
- 19:5419:54, 2024-yil 21-noyabr farq tarix +1 268 Munozara:Bosh Sahifa →Sign up for the language community meeting on November 29th, 16:00 UTC: yangi mavzu Teg: MassMessage delivery
2024-yil 16-oktyabr
- 23:0923:09, 2024-yil 16-oktyabr farq tarix +1 495 Munozara:Bosh Sahifa →Seeking volunteers to join several of the movement’s committees: yangi mavzu Teg: MassMessage delivery
2024-yil 14-oktyabr
- 08:2608:26, 2024-yil 14-oktyabr farq tarix +1 430 Munozara:Bosh Sahifa →Preliminary results of the 2024 Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees elections: yangi mavzu Teg: MassMessage delivery
2024-yil 3-sentyabr
- 12:1512:15, 2024-yil 3-sentyabr farq tarix +1 446 Munozara:Bosh Sahifa →Have your say: Vote for the 2024 Board of Trustees!: yangi mavzu Teg: MassMessage delivery
2024-yil 2-sentyabr
- 14:0614:06, 2024-yil 2-sentyabr farq tarix +2 425 Munozara:Bosh Sahifa →Announcing the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee: yangi mavzu Teg: MassMessage delivery
2024-yil 22-avgust
- 23:2023:20, 2024-yil 22-avgust farq tarix +1 446 Munozara:Bosh Sahifa →Sign up for the language community meeting on August 30th, 15:00 UTC: yangi mavzu Teg: MassMessage delivery
2024-yil 6-avgust
- 15:3015:30, 2024-yil 6-avgust farq tarix +1 826 Munozara:Bosh Sahifa →Reminder! Vote closing soon to fill vacancies of the first U4C: yangi mavzu Teg: MassMessage delivery
2024-yil 27-iyul
- 02:4702:47, 2024-yil 27-iyul farq tarix +1 853 Munozara:Bosh Sahifa →Vote now to fill vacancies of the first U4C: yangi mavzu Teg: MassMessage delivery
2024-yil 18-iyul
- 17:5317:53, 2024-yil 18-iyul farq tarix +3 669 Munozara:Bosh Sahifa →Wikimedia Movement Charter ratification voting results: yangi mavzu Teg: MassMessage delivery
2024-yil 10-iyul
- 00:0300:03, 2024-yil 10-iyul farq tarix +2 533 Munozara:Bosh Sahifa →U4C Special Election - Call for Candidates: yangi mavzu Teg: MassMessage delivery
2024-yil 8-iyul
- 03:4703:47, 2024-yil 8-iyul farq tarix +1 307 Munozara:Bosh Sahifa →Voting to ratify the Wikimedia Movement Charter is ending soon: yangi mavzu Teg: MassMessage delivery
2024-yil 25-iyun
- 10:5210:52, 2024-yil 25-iyun farq tarix +2 108 Munozara:Bosh Sahifa →Voting to ratify the Wikimedia Movement Charter is now open – cast your vote: yangi mavzu Teg: MassMessage delivery
2024-yil 11-iyun
- 08:4508:45, 2024-yil 11-iyun farq tarix +2 332 Munozara:Bosh Sahifa →The final text of the Wikimedia Movement Charter is now on Meta: yangi mavzu Teg: MassMessage delivery
2024-yil 3-iyun
- 08:1508:15, 2024-yil 3-iyun farq tarix +2 579 Munozara:Bosh Sahifa →Announcing the first Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee: yangi mavzu Teg: MassMessage delivery
2024-yil 22-may
- 02:2502:25, 2024-yil 22-may farq tarix +2 609 Munozara:Bosh Sahifa →Feedback invited on Procedure for Sibling Project Lifecycle: yangi mavzu Teg: MassMessage delivery
2024-yil 14-may
- 21:2221:22, 2024-yil 14-may farq tarix +1 707 Munozara:Bosh Sahifa →Sign up for the language community meeting on May 31st, 16:00 UTC: yangi mavzu Teg: MassMessage delivery
2024-yil 25-aprel
- 20:2020:20, 2024-yil 25-aprel farq tarix +1 796 Munozara:Bosh Sahifa →Vote now to select members of the first U4C: yangi mavzu Teg: MassMessage delivery
2024-yil 12-mart
- 19:5719:57, 2024-yil 12-mart farq tarix +3 996 Munozara:Bosh Sahifa →Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees 2024 Selection: yangi mavzu Teg: MassMessage delivery
2024-yil 5-mart
- 16:2516:25, 2024-yil 5-mart farq tarix +2 180 Munozara:Bosh Sahifa →Report of the U4C Charter ratification and U4C Call for Candidates now available: yangi mavzu Teg: MassMessage delivery
2024-yil 12-fevral
- 18:2418:24, 2024-yil 12-fevral farq tarix +1 767 Munozara:Bosh Sahifa →Announcing the results of the UCoC Coordinating Committee Charter ratification vote: yangi mavzu Teg: MassMessage delivery
2024-yil 31-yanvar
- 17:0017:00, 2024-yil 31-yanvar farq tarix +2 008 Munozara:Bosh Sahifa →Last days to vote on the Charter for the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee: yangi mavzu Teg: MassMessage delivery
2024-yil 19-yanvar
- 18:0918:09, 2024-yil 19-yanvar farq tarix +1 997 Munozara:Bosh Sahifa →Vote on the Charter for the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee: yangi mavzu Teg: MassMessage delivery
2023-yil 18-oktyabr
- 23:5123:51, 2023-yil 18-oktyabr farq tarix +6 074 Munozara:Bosh Sahifa →The Vector 2022 skin as the default in two weeks?: yangi mavzu Teg: MassMessage delivery
2023-yil 17-oktyabr
- 01:1301:13, 2023-yil 17-oktyabr farq tarix +1 620 Munozara:Bosh Sahifa →Review and comment on the 2024 Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees selection rules package: yangi mavzu Teg: MassMessage delivery
2023-yil 9-oktyabr
- 16:4116:41, 2023-yil 9-oktyabr farq tarix +2 231 Munozara:Bosh Sahifa →== Opportunities open for the Affiliations Committee, Ombuds commission, and the Case Review Committee ==: yangi mavzu Teg: MassMessage delivery
2023-yil 28-avgust
- 15:3515:35, 2023-yil 28-avgust farq tarix +2 416 Munozara:Bosh Sahifa →Review the Charter for the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee: yangi mavzu Teg: MassMessage delivery
2023-yil 28-iyun
- 18:0018:00, 2023-yil 28-iyun farq tarix +1 954 Munozara:Bosh Sahifa →Announcing the new Elections Committee members: yangi mavzu Teg: MassMessage delivery
2023-yil 27-may
- 04:2104:21, 2023-yil 27-may farq tarix +869 Munozara:Bosh Sahifa →Selection of the U4C Building Committee: yangi mavzu Teg: MassMessage delivery
2023-yil 26-aprel
- 19:0119:01, 2023-yil 26-aprel farq tarix +2 915 Munozara:Bosh Sahifa →Seeking volunteers for the next step in the Universal Code of Conduct process: yangi mavzu Teg: MassMessage delivery
2023-yil 13-mart
- 15:4515:45, 2023-yil 13-mart farq tarix +1 061 Munozara:Bosh Sahifa →Wikimania 2023 Welcoming Program Submissions: yangi mavzu Teg: MassMessage delivery
2023-yil 27-fevral
- 21:2121:21, 2023-yil 27-fevral farq tarix +3 911 Munozara:Bosh Sahifa →Your wiki will be in read only soon: yangi mavzu Teg: MassMessage delivery
2023-yil 6-fevral
- 21:4921:49, 2023-yil 6-fevral farq tarix +509 Munozara:Bosh Sahifa →Global ban for PlanespotterA320/RespectCE: yangi mavzu Teg: MassMessage delivery
2022-yil 15-dekabr
- 16:4416:44, 2022-yil 15-dekabr farq tarix +1 812 Munozara:Bosh Sahifa →Community Wishlist Survey 2023 opens in January: yangi mavzu Teg: MassMessage delivery
2022-yil 20-noyabr
- 19:2519:25, 2022-yil 20-noyabr farq tarix +5 369 Munozara:Bosh Sahifa →Opportunities open for the Ombuds commission and the Case Review Committee: yangi mavzu Teg: MassMessage delivery
2022-yil 14-noyabr
- 16:2616:26, 2022-yil 14-noyabr farq tarix +2 384 Munozara:Bosh Sahifa →Apply for Funding through the Movement Strategy Community Engagement Package to Support Your Community: yangi mavzu Teg: MassMessage delivery
2022-yil 7-noyabr
- 15:3315:33, 2022-yil 7-noyabr farq tarix +4 538 Munozara:Bosh Sahifa →Invitation to attend “Ask Me Anything about Movement Charter” Sessions: yangi mavzu Teg: MassMessage delivery
2022-yil 22-sentyabr
- 04:1504:15, 2022-yil 22-sentyabr farq tarix +5 098 Munozara:Bosh Sahifa →The Vector 2022 skin as the default in two weeks?: yangi mavzu Teg: MassMessage delivery
2022-yil 29-avgust
- 11:3211:32, 2022-yil 29-avgust farq tarix +1 560 Munozara:Bosh Sahifa →Invitation to join the Movement Strategy Forum: yangi mavzu Teg: MassMessage delivery
2022-yil 25-avgust
- 23:1723:17, 2022-yil 25-avgust farq tarix +2 575 Munozara:Bosh Sahifa →The 2022 Board of Trustees election Community Voting period is now open: yangi mavzu Teg: MassMessage delivery
2022-yil 27-iyul
- 21:0121:01, 2022-yil 27-iyul farq tarix +2 637 Munozara:Bosh Sahifa →Vote for Election Compass Statements: yangi mavzu Teg: MassMessage delivery
- 14:0314:03, 2022-yil 27-iyul farq tarix +4 248 Munozara:Bosh Sahifa →Announcing the six candidates for the 2022 Board of Trustees election: yangi mavzu Teg: MassMessage delivery
2022-yil 18-iyul
- 01:3801:38, 2022-yil 18-iyul farq tarix +4 155 Munozara:Bosh Sahifa →Movement Strategy and Governance News – Issue 7: yangi mavzu Teg: MassMessage delivery
2022-yil 14-iyul
- 11:3411:34, 2022-yil 14-iyul farq tarix +2 776 Munozara:Bosh Sahifa →Propose statements for the 2022 Election Compass: yangi mavzu Teg: MassMessage delivery
2022-yil 3-iyun
- 22:5722:57, 2022-yil 3-iyun farq tarix +3 298 Munozara:Bosh Sahifa →Revisions to the Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC) Enforcement Guidelines: yangi mavzu Teg: MassMessage delivery
2022-yil 10-may
- 10:3910:39, 2022-yil 10-may farq tarix +2 138 Munozara:Bosh Sahifa →2022 Board of Trustees Call for Candidates: yangi mavzu Teg: MassMessage delivery
2022-yil 22-aprel
- 01:4601:46, 2022-yil 22-aprel farq tarix +4 259 Munozara:Bosh Sahifa →Movement Strategy and Governance News – Issue 6: yangi mavzu Teg: MassMessage delivery
2022-yil 30-mart
- 01:5301:53, 2022-yil 30-mart farq tarix +2 331 Munozara:Bosh Sahifa →Universal Code of Conduct Enforcement guidelines ratification voting is now closed: yangi mavzu Teg: MassMessage delivery
2022-yil 18-mart
- 02:2002:20, 2022-yil 18-mart farq tarix +2 002 Munozara:Bosh Sahifa →Leadership Development Working Group: Apply to join! (14 March to 10 April 2022): yangi mavzu Teg: MassMessage delivery